How to Address Someone (with a disability)

How to Address Someone (with a disability)

Half the reason I became a high school teacher is to do my part in reducing the number of ignorant adults in this world.

My students knew, probably because I repeatedly told them, that my primary goal was to make sure they were good human beings. Of course I cared if they could analyze fiction, but the point in learning that is so they could analyze real people and events.

You’d be surprised at the number of adults who can do no such thing. Who don’t analyze situations before speaking. Who see someone with a disability and take staring to a whole new level.

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Five Items that make Life Easier

Five Items that make Life Easier

Life with a disability is tough; I really can’t sugarcoat it.

I have a tendency of doing half-chores: dishes will stay in the dishwasher, laundry in the dryer… I am unbelievably lucky to have a husband to literally help me live. I think I could get by unassisted, but every second would be overwhelming and exhausting.

However, if you want items to make days easier, do I have some personal recommendations for you! Behold five things I use on an almost-daily basis to do just that…

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Inclusive Adventures: Road Trip #1, Pt I

Inclusive Adventures: Road Trip #1, Pt I

An unfortunate stereotype that comes with being disabled, is people assume you don’t do ANYTHING. Like, going out to dinner must be this huge, awesome event since I can’t even walk.

Well, I’m here to prove them very wrong.

You see, one of the coolest things I’ve ever done is the cross country road trip my husband and I take every year. Together, we’ve been to 42 different states. 

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