A lot (two words) of people misuse written words without even realizing they’re doing it. And no, I don’t mean typing errors. I’m talking about the right way to use the English language. So, here, let me help you!
Toxic Positivity
I’m not going to lie, when I first heard this phrase, I immediately thought, “Seriously? Now people have a problem with others being too positive!? Ugh. The world already has so many problems, why add this?”
Internal Ableism: I’m the Problem, It’s Me
The other day, my threenager was jumping off the couch to try to touch the ceiling (Have kids! they said. It’ll be fun! they said.) After a few failed attempts I said, “Good try, buddy, but you’re too short!” to which he immediately responded, “No, mama, the ceiling is too high.”
And I have not stopped thinking about it since.
Continue reading “Internal Ableism: I’m the Problem, It’s Me”
Tik Tik Tik… BOOM Dynamite!
There’s a pretty good chance the US government bans TikTok within the next few days. So, to show YOU why that’s a bad idea, here’s another post dedicated to the app that stole my heart. Continue reading “Tik Tik Tik… BOOM Dynamite!”
women’s day
Happy b e l a t e d International Women’s Day!