Sorry, I just don’t feel like writing this week.
A Few of my Favorite Things
My AAC presentation earned me quite a few subscribers!
So, for my new readers, here’s a look back at some of my favorite blog posts so far.
To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate?
Within the past few weeks, I’ve seen A LOT (two words) of questions regarding the Covid vaccine. Now, I am in no way a medical professional and am certainly not telling you what to do, but I think it’d be beneficial for me to share some resources with you and – of course – give you my own little anecdote as well.
Medium – Rare, Please
Purple Carrots, Stonehenge, Ataxia, Bismuth Crystals, Albino Alligators…
Betcha each of these seemingly-random-things relates to today.
BECAUSE – you guessed it! – today, February 28, marks Rare Disease Day 2021.
Shameless Self-Promotion: NAF Conference
Every year, the National Ataxia Foundation hosts a conference geared toward, well, living with Ataxia. Not only does it provide current, priceless information to those affected by this disease, but it’s an amazing networking opportunity as well.