I’m *Dreaming* of a White Christmas

YOU GUYS. Remember the Barbie Dream House? That item that’s had a permanent spot on Christmas lists since 1967? You know, that one that made you wish you had an unnecessary elevator in your house, too?

They make a wheelchair-accessible version now.


It’s the exact same, just with a larger elevator. Same price. Same product. Same name. You just now have that option available.

My sister-in-law told me about it a few weeks ago, because (shhhh) that’s what Santa might get my nieces for Christmas this year.

So, after my heart was done exploding with pure excitement and happiness, I took a minute to wonder why this was the first time I’m hearing about this actually amazing product.

Oh. Because Mattel knows that you don’t need to advertise being accessible. It’s a normal option, not a separate, special product. It’s not some revolutionary idea that seeks credit. Target, please learn.

Crazy how this minuscule, unmarketable thing can really make such a difference in so many lives. I realize how dramatic that sounds and firmly stand by it (ha).

Wheelchair Barbie gets to use the same Dream House as everyone else.

And while this is arguably the best gift of 2020, I doubt it was on your list.

Might I recommend some self-care stocking stuffers instead?

Societal judgments aside, this list can really be used by anyone; I swear, burly, able-bodied men secretly appreciate pampering just as much as 31-year-old moms with chronic illnesses. Plus, holidays are likely to be spent solo this year, and we all need an excuse to just relax.ย 



You know youโ€™re getting old once you start to actually enjoy and appreciate getting socks for Christmas. Go for the fuzzy ones with grips.


Scalp Scrubber

These help with washing hair so much for anyone with poor dexterity/fine motor skills. Plus they give you an easy head massage that you probably never realized you were missing out on for absolutely no reason.


Shower Steamers

While I do love me some bath bombs, its usually much more reasonable to take a shower. These disks sit on the shower floor and make your bathroom smell like a spa.


Face Masks

The only type of mask you’ll actually enjoy wearing in 2021. Fun fact: Men, you have faces and can use these too. I, personally, prefer the pictured collection because I find them easier to get on and off, but I am in no way a consultant (or influencer, for that matter) so I’m sure there are better options out there.


Bath Robe

Not exactly a “stocking stuffer,” but I felt compelled to include this… I can’t be the only one who uses scalding hot water that I dread turning off because I know I’m going to freeze. Knowing that I have a warm and cozy robe to slip right into makes that process so much more bearable.


Candle Warmers

When lighting a match poses actual harm, consider getting one of these. I’m currently obsessed with the Yankee candle wax melts, and will keep recommending them until you are, too.


Wine Glass

If winding down with a glass of wine helps you relax (๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ), I recommend drinking out of something with a lid and a straw to remove all spilling worries.


Don’t worry – if these suggestions don’t really float your boat, you can always check out last year’s Christmas post instead. Happy holidays!

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